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WBCSD 北美 Annual Meeting: September 18, 2023
Bill Sisson, Executive Director, WBCSD 北美
今年,正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)及其成员积极参与, participating in various events throughout Climate Week, including various United Nations gatherings, the UNSecretary-一般 Climate Ambition Summit, 以及正规博彩十大网站排名目标峰会. The week commenced on September 18 with the WBCSD 北美 meeting, 在哪里,100多名成员聚集在一起,分享符合利益相关者和社会期望的实践和解决方案.
The WBCSD 北美 Annual Meeting took place at the Nature Positive Hub. The event was facilitated and moderated by Byron Pitts, an experienced journalist with numerous Emmy awards and over two decades of news reporting, and the current host of ABC Nightline 新闻.
WBCSD执行副总裁黛安·霍尔多夫在气候周期间将当天的会议置于更广泛的WBCSD议程中, specifically in preparation for COP28. Diane emphasized the significance of nature in combating climate change. 她讨论了发布一套工具和指南的问题,以使金融界和企业界更好地为自然信息披露做好准备, stating that they will follow a journey similar to climate but toward nature-positive.
最初的会议,”Navigating the ESG Landscape,” discussed the prevailing challenges and resistance to ESG principles, especially 在美国, 并承认ESG环境的不断变化,同时认识到一致的期望. 拜伦·皮茨主持, the session featured keynote addresses by Peter Bakker, President and CEO of WBCSD; Lane Jost, ESG咨询主管, Edelman; and Mark Golovcsenko, KPMG US Climate and ESG Advisory Leader.
Peter Bakker stressed the importance of 问责制 for a company’s performance to cultivate trust and recognition. Mark Golovcsenko emphasized that the “business case for sustainability remains the ultimate defense against criticism.” Byron concluded the session by highlighting that “doing the right thing for the right reasons is universal to all.”
Panel Discussions: Enhancing Trust and Accountability in Business
在最初的会议之后, 随后的会议部分为公司在动态监管中建立信任和问责制提供了解决方案, 市场, 以及社会环境. 商界的信任与增强的问责制和卓越的表现息息相关. 对气候目标和正规博彩十大网站排名目标表现出坚定承诺的企业有望获得信任和认可, particularly when backed by concrete examples of successful implementation. Such 问责制 serves as the cornerstone of authentic sustainability, fostering greater collaboration and earning credibility.
The first panel discussion, “From Adversity to Opportunity: Navigating the Changing ESG Policy and Regulatory Landscape,菲奥娜·沃森评论道, Senior Director Redefining Value, WBCSD, Velislava伊万诺娃, Americas Chief Sustainability Officer, 是律师事务所, 理查德·曼利, 董事总经理, Head of Sustainable Investments, 全球领导团队, CPO投资, 还有安马勒·巴特纳, 气候风险解决方案领导, 企业解决方案, 瑞士再保险.
在这个小组讨论期间, 理查德·曼利 shed light on the driving force behind regulation, 强调市场失灵,很少有公司有董事会积极监督高管识别和整合业务中的重大问题. Annemarie Buettner建议,使用经济模型来预测自然灾害的未来影响可以帮助更好地进行成本核算和减灾工作. Although managing disclosures can be challenging and burdensome, 这是解决这一市场失灵、实现公正和可持续转型的关键一步.
该小组进一步探讨了在数字互联的世界中,社会对企业期望的快速变化. Recognizing and proactively addressing risks is imperative for long-term success. 会议强调,旨在提高人们对气候风险认识的监管举措至关重要,能够产生有利的投资回报, ultimately benefiting both businesses and society.
下一个。”From Adversity to Opportunity: Creating a Positive Feedback Loop with Climate Policies,” featured a conversation between Roger Martella, Chief Sustainability Officer of GE, 还有珍妮·多德森, Senior Director at PAMM/WBCSD.
在这个讨论中, Roger Martella和Jennie Dodson强调了政府与企业关系转变的积极例子. 在欧盟(EU), 中国正在对经济进行全面改革,以应对即将出台的法规. 同时, 在美国, 《正规博彩十大网站》对能源转型的影响超出了预期. Despite challenges and uncertainties, 政府官员在制定有利于在这一不断变化的环境中快速投资和扩大规模的规则方面行动迅速,这受到了赞扬.
第三,“Building a Fit-for-Purpose Carbon Performance and Accountability System” featured contributions from Pepijn Rijvers, 执行副总裁, WBCSD, along with Anna Stanley-Radiere, Director of Climate Transparency, WBCSD, 及关颖珊, Director of Climate Action and Accountability, WBCSD.
Primarily due to the absence of a robust, universally accepted carbon performance framework, 当前的碳绩效和问责制度为企业提供了一个具有挑战性和复杂的框架,以有效地驾驭. 这次讨论突出了企业在获得应有的认可时遇到的重大障碍.
在最后的讨论中,”社会绩效:提升抱负,推动集体行动,加强问责制,行业领袖强调,在面向未来的业务中,解决不平等和社会相关风险,以及满足利益相关者不断变化的期望,至关重要. The panel featured David Eichberg, VP, ESG Strategy at Mastercard; Meredith Sumpter, CEO of the 委员会 for Inclusive Capitalism; and Ajaita Shah, Frontier Markets首席执行官.
The session aimed to unpack these risks, emphasize priority action areas, showcase barrierbreaking strategies, 以及与不平等和社会问题有关的财务信息披露方面的最新进展. 拜伦·皮茨(Byron Pitts)提供了美国.S. regional context for social justice and responsible business, 提出解决不平等商业委员会(BCTI)行动议程,鼓励与会者就企业在解决与公平相关的挑战中所扮演的角色提出看法. 阿贾伊塔重点介绍了“获得基本产品和服务”等行动领域,并强调了推动农村市场包容性增长的系统方法. David以Ajaita的介入为基础,谈到了万事达卡通过战略合作伙伴关系提供金融服务的作用,并强调了包容性设计对可持续可扩展性的重要性. Meredith强调了企业如何采用DEI视角来挖掘市场机会,并强调需要一种全面的语言,专注于满足社会需求的商业价值.
会议结束时就私营部门如何在解决持续存在的社会不平等方面发挥作用进行了辩论. 在关闭, WBCSD的Equity Imperative团队希望在2024年1月正式延长BCTI, 通过实现今年5月发布的10点行动议程,给自己18个月的时间来扩大影响力和覆盖面. An important element of this is the planned launch of the Taskforce for Inequality & Social Impact Financial Disclosures (TISFD), 一个以社会和不平等为重点的市场披露工作组,与TCFD和TNFD相对应. TISFD致力于提高企业社会绩效的价值和洞察力,旨在最终改善边缘化社区的最后一英里成果. The initiative is set to launch in the first half of 2024.
Concluding Remarks and Reflections
会议结束, Dominic invited Byron to share his observations and key takeaways from the proceedings. Byron addressed the audience by highlighting the dominant areas in news coverage: the economy, 环境, 股本, 比赛, 和文化. He emphasized that these areas offer opportunities for us to effectively tell our stories, 声明“WBCSD members can engage the media with compelling human stories, while feeding the media with hard data, 事实和统计数据.”
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